John Paton

John Paton

Team Leader

John Paton is currently finishing his degree in software engineering with a minor in Cyber Security and will graduate in the fall of 2021. In his classes and independent work he has gained knowledge and experience with programing languages like C, Java, Python, and JavaScript. As well as making use of frameworks like React JS and React Native. He has also gained a working knowledge of security vulnerabilities found in web applications as well as windows machines.

As the Team Leader, John will facilitate meetings to obtain member contributions, achieve meeting goals and oversee other the team facilitators. In addition, he will guides the group in having meetings, setting goals, and communicating with our client.

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Bret Knous

Bret Knous

Meeting Scribe

Bret Knous is prusuing a degree in Software Engineering and plans to graduate in the Fall of 2021. Bret mainly has experience programming in C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, and Html, but there are other languages he has programmed in too. Bret has a great interest in Virtual Reality and plans to pursue this after graduation. His aim is to create a place where people can make possible what they have always thought impossible.

As the Meeting Scribe, Bret will manage all communication related to team meetings and tasks.

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Vismay Gehlot

Vismay Gehlot

Design Facilitator

Vismay Gehlot is pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering and anticipating graduation in December of 2021 from Iowa State University. Vismay has experience with mobile application development as well as full stack development. He is also proficient in programming languages such as JAVA, Python, SQL, and is familiar with others such as C and html.

As the Design Facilitator, Vismay will lead meetings, assign tasks, and oversees member contributions in areas related to the project’s design.

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Luke Knous

Luke Knous

Testing Facilitator

My name is Luke Knous, and I am currently a senior pursuing a degree in Software Engineering. I have also completed all the classes required for a minor in Spanish. I have an interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR). I plan to graduate in December 2021 and eventually hope to enter those fields after graduation. I have experience with several programming languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, and many others.

As the Testing Facilitator, Luke will lead meetings, assign tasks and oversees member contributions in areas related to the project’s testing.

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Rithwick Gokhale

Rithwick Gokhale

Report Facilitator

Rithwik Gokhale is pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering and a minor in Data Science with an expected graduation date of May 2022. Rithwik is interested in getting into software development and product management after completing his degree at ISU. Some of his interests include app development, embedded systems and data analysis. Through independent projects and ISU courses, Rithwik has experience with Android programming, data structures, basic algorithm design and introductory iOS development.

As the Report Facilitator, Rithwick will lead meetings, assign tasks and oversees member contributions in areas related to reports made for the client or supervisor.

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